Merrill College

Cultural Identities and Global Consciousness

Merrill College’s theme, Cultural Identities and Global Consciousness, helps students to understand the nature of cultural identity by examining the relationships between societies of the world and their struggles to preserve their cultures.

Academic Requirements

The Merrill core course, Cultural Identities and Global Consciousness, helps students begin their academic careers at UC Santa Cruz through studying peoples’ struggles to preserve their cultural identities, as well as social change within and beyond the borders of the United States. Students study nationalism, imperialism, migration, globalization, cultural clashes, religious conflicts, and social inequalities. The selected readings are engaging and diverse, including vivid memoirs, personal journeys, and powerful histories, culminating with a visit and discussion from one of the year’s authors. This engaging academic experience is a student’s first step to becoming the culturally conscious global citizen we strive to graduate.

Educational Enrichment and Extracurricular Opportunities

  • Classroom Connection links community experience to university education by placing students in internships for credit in area schools.
  • Merrill Student Government and Merrill Activities Council provide students an opportunity to develop leadership skills, create programs and events, and be an active part of UC Santa Cruz student legislature.
  • Merrill hosts KZSC radio station, the Peace Corps program, Merrill Pottery Co-op, and the Lionel Cantú GLBTI resource center.

Housing and Dining

  • Merrill College students housing includes residence halls and apartments.
  • A dining hall is nearby.

See Also