Residence Halls

The residence halls (often referred to as dorms or dormitories), include both shared and single rooms. Triple rooms with three students sharing a room are the most common room type on campus. There are also double (2-person), quad (4-person), quint (5-person), and hex (6-person) rooms in some buildings.

Residence halls have common bathrooms. Most bathrooms are designated mixed-gender, but are modified for individual privacy, with private toilet stalls, and private showers stalls with changing areas. On single-gender floors (availability based on demand), bathrooms are primarily used by individuals who identify with that gender.

Rooms are furnished and have window coverings. Each resident is provided an extra-long twin bed (39"x80"), a desk, a chair, and storage space such as wardrobe or closet. You will need to bring your own bedding (sheets, pillowcase, etc.), lamp, clock, and other personal items essential to your daily life.

See Also