Now that you have learned about the different housing options available, take these next steps to complete your online housing application/contract.
You must use a registered CruzID (the first part of your UCSC email address) and Gold password to log in to the Housing Portal. To manage your CruzID, please visit
Log in to to apply for housing and rank your preferred housing and meal plan options.
Once assigned to housing your application becomes a legally binding contract that is valid for the entire academic year. If your plans change and you are no longer interested or able to live in university housing, you must log in to to cancel your housing application/contract.
The Campus Housing Office is responsible for your application/contract records and room-and-board billing. Contact us if you have questions about your housing contract, meal plans, payment plans or billing.
The housing office at each community is in charge of room and roommate assignments, and the management of the community's housing office. We will help you with needs or questions related to housing or student life.
Rachel Carson College
Phone: (831) 459-3335